Posts tagged onboarding
Why You Should Pre-Vet Your Consultation Calls

As a virtual assistant or online business manager, your consultation calls with potential clients are an essential element of the onboarding process. It’s the step that helps you determine if you are a good fit for each other and how you can help them in their business. It’s also where you can ask clarifying questions about what their business goals, needs, and budget are. Read on to learn why pre-vetting your consultation calls is a MUST in any service provider onboarding process. 

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6 Key Elements of a Kick-Ass Onboarding Process

No matter what type of VA you are or what niche of clients you work with, having a kick-ass onboarding process is essential to building a strong customer relationship and getting yourself and your new client set up for success.

The key to setting up a positive working relationship from the get-go is to nail your onboarding process and make it seamless.

Plus, it’ll save you a ton of time and stress knowing your system is rock-solid and easy to execute.

A kick-ass onboarding system can even help you land more clients.

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